Khijadia Bird Sanctuary Jamnagar

Khijadia Bird Sanctuary Jamnagar

About the location:  Khijadia is located just 12 km away from Jamnagar District headquarters. This sanctuary is veritable showpiece for bird watchers since its unique quality of having freshwater area formed by rsdfains are the cause of this unique diversity in a relatively small area of 6 square kilometers.

The fabulously diverse ecosystem offers diverse viewing pleasure to bird watchers. Along with marine and fresh water habitats, there are also marshy lands, mangroves, prosopis areas, mudflats, salt pans, creeks, forest scrub, sandy beaches, and even farmlands bordering the area.

Together, these ecosystems provide a haven for more than 220 species of resident and migratory birds. Bird watchers can train their binoculars and cameras at endangered species such as Dalmatian Pelican, Asian Open Bill Stork, Black Necked Stork, Darter, Black-headed Ibis, Eurasian spoonbill, and Indian Skimmer. On lucky days avian enthusiasts can spot these rare birds in large numbers. There are watchtowers, trails, and paddleboats to ease your avian encounters. It would be much appreciated if you are mindful of the conservation process and its realities while enjoying your delightful bird watching experience.

Brief History: Just before Indian gained Independence, a check dam was built for storing the waters of Ruparel River before it entered the sea. It inadvertently collected fresh water of the rain and saltwater of the sea, giving birth to this unique landscape. The region was declared a sanctuary in 1981.

On world wetlands day,2022(2nd February) Khijadiya has been listed in the Wetlands of the International Importance by the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty for the conversion and sustainable use of wetlands.

Look out for: Black-headed Ibis, Eurasian Spoonbill and Indian Skimmer.

Be one of few to record: Dalmatian Pelican, Asian Open Bill Stork and Black Necked Stork.

Recommended time in the field: 1 Day.

Best time to visit: It’s best visited between October and March and in the early morning or at sunset.

How to get there

  • By RoadBy RoadIt has a robust bus service to connect to different parts of the state.

  • By TrainBy TrainJamnagar's railway stations, Hapa (HAPA), Jamnagar (JAM), Modpur (MDPR) are well connected to cities and towns on the western railways network.

  • By AirBy AirJamnagar’s Govardhanpur Airport offers connectivity by domestic air services to several major Indian towns.